
How To Clean Hot Sauce Out Of Carpet

How To Get Hot Sauce Out Of Carpet (Step-by-Step Guide)

How To Get Hot Sauce Out Of A Carpet

If there's one thing that's treasured in my home, it's hot sauce. As Frank's Red Hot would say, "We put that ish on everything." Unfortunately, after a particularly boozy night, we realized that we literally put it on everything…including the carpet. If you're wondering how we got it out of the carpet, you're not alone. It was actually not as hard as you'd think.

Combine 1 tablespoon of dish soap with 2 cups of warm water and soak a rag with the solution. Blot and tamp down the stain and apply pressure until the stain is gone. Dry the area with a towel or rag and vacuum the carpet.

Hot sauce has a nasty way of staining things, so it's important to know what to do before it happens to you. If you are a fan of Tabasco or anything else that tingles your taste buds, then this article is 100 percent for you.

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Table of Contents

  • What's The Best Way To Get Hot Sauce Out Of Your Carpet?
    • Why Should You Not Scrub A Stain?
    • When Should You Call Professionals To Remove The Hot Sauce?
  • Will Tabasco Sauce Permanently Stain My Carpet?
    • Can You Use The Stain Cleaning Trick On Clothing, Too?
  • Related Questions
      • Does Buffalo sauce come out of a carpet?
      • How do you get rid of hot sauce stains that have dried into the carpet?
      • Can you use Oxiclean to get rid of tomato-based stains?

What's The Best Way To Get Hot Sauce Out Of Your Carpet?

The best technique to use is to dab away at it using a clean white cloth that's soaked in a mild cleaning solution. Here's how you can properly treat your carpet using two different techniques.

  1. Mix one of two solutions. The best one to use is a tablespoon of dish soap with two cups of cold water. The dish soap will help lift up the hot sauce while the warm water will make it easier for the soap to pull the hot sauce out. If you have white vinegar, you can add a tablespoon each of vinegar and dish soap to two cups of water.
  2. Get a clean white rag and soak it in your solution of choice.Let the solution go through the rag entirely.
  3. Press down on the carpet.Sponge the area down by dabbing, not scrubbing. Eventually, you'll start to see the stain get lifted right off.
  4. Apply a little more solution to the stain.A little dab'll do.
  5. Continue dabbing and sponging at the stain, replacing cloths from time to time.You want to make sure that the cloth still isn't totally saturated. You also should occasionally add more solution to the stain.
  6. Once the stain has been properly lifted, rinse the area by dabbing with cold water.You can scrub here, if you so choose. However, I don't suggest it.

Why Should You Not Scrub A Stain?

There are several reasons why scrubbing isn't a good move when you're trying to remove a liquid off a carpet. The biggest reason, though, is because scrubbing spreads the stain. It's like smearing paint all over a canvas. If you want to remove a stain, dabbing at it by applying pressure without rocking it side to side is a better choice.

When Should You Call Professionals To Remove The Hot Sauce?

Hot sauce is one of those substances that can be removed without having to resort to professional or commercial means. Though itisa tomato-based sauce, it can be gotten rid of as long as you get to cleaning while it's wet. However, you still should call a professional if you have a carpet made with rare fibers or if the spill included other things that may have changed the chemistry of the hot sauce.

The best course of action is to give your carpet an honest DIY attempt first. For the most part, an earnest attempt at trying to remove the stain using kitchen cleaners will do the trick. If it doesn't, then calling a professional to clean it up is an OK idea.A typical call for a hot sauce stain will run you $50 to $150, by the way.

Will Tabasco Sauce Permanently Stain My Carpet?

If you leave your hot sauce there long enough, it darned well could. Hot sauce has a lot of ingredients and pigments that are prone to staining things, especially when you take the tomatoes into account. This is why it's important to make sure that you attack the stain while it's still wet. Waiting will embed the stain into your carpet fibers!

Want to max out your chances of getting rid of the tabasco sauce stain? These tips will help:

  • Do not try to run hot water on the stain.At first glance, hot water may seem to help, but it really doesn't. It actually causes the stain to "cook" into the fiber. Warm is about as high up on the temperature scale as you should try to get.
  • Only try a commercial cleaner after you've tried to dab away the stain. If you try to dab it away and only get halfway, that's still progress. It makes the cleaning solvent's job easier and also reduces the chance of having your cleaner backfire.
  • Always spot test delicate fabrics. Regular carpets can handle dish soap mixtures in a pinch, no problem. However, if you have a carpet that is made of silk or wool, you might have a little more of an issue. It's best to do a small spot test, if possible, to make sure that your carpet remains pristine.
  • Scrape up excess hot sauce before you start dabbing.This is a must for basically any sauce or stain you want to get off of a carpet. If you cannot scrape up much, try to clip away some of the more damaged clumps of sauced carpet fiber.

Can You Use The Stain Cleaning Trick On Clothing, Too?

While the dabbing method can work for clothes, it isn't the ideal method. You can use other methods that are somewhat more effective on clothing. A full cold water rinse often helps, but in many cases, having a high-quality laundry detergent that specializes in organic materials or food stains will work best.

Of course, if you have fancy clothes that read "Dry Clean Only," using the vinegar or dish detergent dabbing methods we mentioned won't do much. If anything, it may actually harm the material in your clothing. If you want to get your clothes stains out well, we suggest taking a look at your instructions and maybe using some strong detergents.

The only reason that the carpet methods are so much gentler is because we can't really pull the entire carpet off the ground and shove it in a washing machine. When you have clothing, you can do that and not have to worry about permanent staining.

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Does Buffalo sauce come out of a carpet?

If you attack the stain as soon as the sauce has dropped on the carpet and use the right cleaning tools, you should be able to get rid of any hot sauce stains on your clothing, upholstery, or carpet. Of course, if you want to make sure you get it out, using a professional rug shampooer or calling a pro will undoubtedly make it happen.

How do you get rid of hot sauce stains that have dried into the carpet?

Ideally, you will try to call a professional to lift the stain. However, if you don't have the spare cash on hand, you can try to loosen the stain using a vinegar solution, then try to finish the stain removal by using a laundry pen. If your carpet can handle it, you can also try to rent a professional-grade rug shampooer for a deeper cleaning.

If that didn't work, try dabbing the stain with a 50/50 vinegar/water solution. If you are truly at a loss with the stain, use another round of stain remover or try an oxygen bleach like Oxiclean. After this, your stain should have come out without any other issue.

Can you use Oxiclean to get rid of tomato-based stains?

People who are stain-prone would be wise to get some Oxiclean for their laundry and carpet-cleaning routines. Oxiclean and cleaners like it are capable of getting rid of most food stains, including messes left after a spaghetti dinner. To get rid of a tomato sauce stain using Oxiclean, check the details on the back of the bucket for the best instructions.

Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart is an expert writer, focusing on interior design and general home tips. Writing is her life, and it's what she does best. Her interests include art and real estate investments.

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How To Clean Hot Sauce Out Of Carpet


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